Monday, May 15, 2006

We need to organise

I support OBC reservations very strongly. So, anyone who has entered this website thinking there is a neutral point of view will be disappointed. When there is justice and injustice and you are placed in the middle, there is no neutral position available. If you claim to take a neutral position, it only means that you are with injustice!
The uppercaste students from the metros are organising in small numbers. They get full media coverage and all the middle class hearts weep at the sight of beautiful, white skinned young people marching in the scorching heat of New Delhi and the police wielding lathis against them. While state atrocity againgst anyone has to be condemned, the agenda of the media in repeating the visual of the white coated (and white skinned) doctors getting thrashed on the roads even on Monday (when the visual which was shown actually happened on Saturday) is quite clear. The same day, the police burnt around 600 basti houses without notice. Since the faces that will apppear on the TV will not be audience friendly (i.e. they will be dark and even dirty!) and he issue is not something NDTV's and Sahara's audience will weep, they came a flicker and disappeared from public view.
We are feeling strongly about the issue of OBC reservations. We want to use this blog to organise support for reservations and perhaps start a movement to draw support for it. Please contribute to the debate and post information on action here.


snakeandladder said...

one wrong cannot be corrected by another wrong

obc voice said...

mail me at

obc voice said...

glad that you've begun to write.. second the sentiments expressed.

poli said...

you are fighting for a wrong cause i'm afraid. please unite. i support that call. but please do not unite on caste lines. it is necessary to have economic reservations and not social ones.

Madhat said...

You sound dangerously like a (reverse) racist.

Social Justice Today! said...

poii, how do you explain the continuance of caste in indian society? why are our matrimonial columns still advertising with caste identity? why do we still speak of family contacts while applying for jobs? why is efficiecny coming in the sick white colour of the ruling classes in interview boards?

poli said...

the caste problem continues because it is intricately linked with the economic malaise of our society. the problem of reservtions is not just about social respect, it is also about control of economic methods of production. if we use an economic based system of reservations, it will become meaningless for people to use their caste identity. the argument is not very difficult to understand but i shall elucidate--the entire concept of the caste system is based on the control of resources. cste identities are associated most with the wealth. people tend only to read the caste bit of the matrimonial column, but please also note that no one ever wants a poor upper caste. when we prioratize economic backwardness raher than social backwardness, the money will actually find a more equitable distribution. this equitable distribution of resources is far likelier to elevate social positions rather than reservations. that is of course a personal opinion. and as far as the contacts bit goes, it has more to do with corruption in this country and a degeneration of the education system in general rather than the social bits. i dont believe in 'effeciency' and 'merit' as being natural or biological but rahter being products of our larger economic and social surroundings. it may sound utopian, but we cant dismiss economic reservations without having tried them first.

ASA said...

THE DEPRESSED classes must unite or they will perish. So unite guys.

Anonymous said...

hmmm..interesting columns i must say. I saw the video that was made on dalits. Depressing. I really wish i could do something about it..maybe punish or arrest the people who actually refuse to let these guys from entering shops and temples.
But 2 questions arise after watching that video that i'd like to link up with this reservation debate.
1) Will the dalit (as has been depicted in the video) really benefit if he gets into an IIT through reservation?
I am against the argument of merit and people who use it are just selfish..but on a more practical note, do we need reservation for them in high education or do we need to maybe proivde them with jobs/vocational training or maybe even good schools as are govt promised?
2) The so called "upper caste" man who owned a shop where he refused to let Dalits sit..will his child need reservation so that it provides him with an opportunity to "get adequate representation"?
The video hinted that everyone who belongs to a lower caste is economically poor and hence need rights, representation, upliftment etc. Now what if the Dalit actually was an engineer and tried to enter the "upper caste" man's shop. Would the man refuse and not allow him to enter?

Im all for upliftment and representation...but maybe not thru quotas..
and especially not for the creamy layer!!

Anonymous said...

My Dear Friend,

Poor OBcs who are still in their wretched old positions and in rural areas are being fooled by likes of Karunanidhi, Lallu, Sharad Yadav,PMK, communists etc. for their own selfish ends. It is not OBC improvement, but self serving family intrests. It is actually an individual (Gandhi or Ram Mohan Roy or Ambedkar.) who help their fellow citizens and not a group just because they belong to the same caste. So if you want to bring the neediest up, you need the help of the entire society, individuals in every section who are honest in that task and have no self interest. Reservations won't lead there! A sweepers son is still sweeper today in majority of cases.
